Rabu, Juni 05, 2013

Tugas Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2 (Tugas Ketiga)

Kurniawan Jabar Malik


A. Question Tag
Question Tags  adalah suatu pertanyaan  pendek di akhir kalimat pernyataan yang berfungsi untuk mempertegas pernyataan yang bersangkutan
1. I am a lecturer, aren’t I?
2.  You are not angry, are you?
3.  We are here, aren't we?
4.  They go to office, don’t they?
5.  You like reading novel, don’t you?
6. Suzan is a student, doesn't she?
7. Jonthan will come to us, won’t he?
8. Andy looks good, doesn’t he?
9. Pull over the car, will you?
1  10. He has never gone to Surabaya, has he?

B. Conditional Sentences
Conditional Sentences merupakan   kalimat majemuk yang dapat digunakan ketika ingin menyampaikan  bahwa  suatu akibat atau konsekuensi yang tergantung pada situasi lainnya. Di dalamnya terdapat klausa pengandaian (IF CLAUSE) dan klausa akibat (RESULT CLAUSE). Dalam bentuk conditional sentences kita menggunakan kata "if (jika)"
1.  If John does not busy, He will come to your office.
2.  If the weather is nice tomorrow, we will go on a picnic.
3.  If Anne taught this class, Jonthtan would not give tests.
4.  If You were there, They would help her.
5.  If I were you, I would accept this recomendation.
6.  If Michael had studied hard, he would have passed the exam.
7.  If You had called Anne, she would have given her advice.
8.  If it's raining here now, then it was raining on the airport this morning.
9.  If Angela said that to John, he would run away.
10.If I had done my job properly, I wouldn't be in this office now.

C. Adjective dan Adverb

Adjectives are words that describe nouns or pronouns. They may come before the word they describe (That is a cute puppy.) or they may follow the word they describe (That puppy is cute.). Adverbs are words that modify everything but nouns and pronouns. They modify adjectives, verbs, and other adverbs. A word is an adverb if it answers how, when, or where.
1. When I was doing my homework book, my friend came.
2.  Joanne will tell us as soon as he know.
3.  You did a bad job.
4.  Well answers how.
5.  Here the thief did actively look with eyes, so the -ly is added.
6.  She does not feel well. They do not look well today.
7.  I feel scared about my decision to take the journey.
8.  We spoke more quickly than they did.
9.  Talk more quietly.
10. This car is yours.

D. So dan Such
So dan/atau Such digunakan untuk menyampaikan sebab akibat, adapun perbedaannya  terletak pada penempatan "Part of Speech". Setelah kata such akan diikuti noun phrase (kata benda), sedangkan setelah kata so diikuti adjective (kata sifat).
1. That was such an stunning performance that amazed everybody.
2. The show was so amazing that everybody felt entertained.
3. Joanne is such a good boss that we always miss her.
4. Anne is such a beatuiful girl that she always wins a beauty contest.
5. The rain was so heavy that I was afraid to go out. 

E. Yes No Quetion
"Yes/No Question" digunakan dalam pertanyaan sederhana yang hanya memutuhkan jawaban Yes dan No.

Do you Study english?YES, I doNO, I don't
Does Anne Study english?YES, She doesNO, She doesn't
Did Deasy Study english?YES, She didNO, She didn't
Are You learner?YES, I amNO, I am not
Is Arya Learner?YES, He isNO, He isn't
Were You learner?YES, I wasNO, I was't
Were they learner?YES, they wereNO, they weren't
Have You studied?YES, I haveNO, I haven't
Has she studied?YES, She hasNO, She hasn't
Will You study?YES, I willNO, I won't

F. A Few and Few 

Few digunakan untuk countable nouns (kata benda yang dapat dihitung)
1.  The party has attended by a few men
2.  She was glad to have a experience.

3.  We have a few friends besides them.
4.  One can always rely on a few things.
5.  Jack have got a few rupiahs.

Few berarti not many, atau dengan perkataan lain, berarti sedikit, menyatakan hal yang negatif, 

1.  Few people will admit their faults.
2.  Has he few experience?
3.  Donita has few friends except him.
4.  There are few books in that library.
5.  We only have few minutes to get out from here.

G. a Litte dan Little

a little: digunakan untuk non countable nouns (milk, marmalade, money, time etc.)
Little berarti not much, tidak banyak atau sedikit jumlahnya, menyatakan hal yang negatif, dipakai di depan kata benda bentuk tunggal yang tidak dapat dihitung

1.  We  have little time to finish it.
2.  Jack was sorry to find that he had little time.
3.  There is little hope for Anne to recover.
4.  There is little gas in this kitchen.
5.  We had little expectation to do this project.

A Little berarti sedikit, menyatakan hal yang positif.
1.  I am scarred that I have a little time left.
2.  He has a little money with him.
3.  Will you have a little time to take us to the office?
4.  Would you please give us a little help?
5.  He had a little money.

H. EnoughPenggunaan “ too” menunjukkan makna negatif dalam pikiran si pembicara atau sesuatu yang tidak bisa dilakukan. Apabila kata “enough” berdampingan  dengan kata benda/noun, maka posisinya adalah sebelum kata benda tersebut. Apabila kata “enough” berdampingan dengan adjective atau kata sifat, maka “enough” diletakkan setelah kata sifat tersebut.
1. I have enough money.
2. Is there enough salt in the kitchen?
3. We cannot play soccer today because we do not have enough players.
4. This ruler is not long enough.
5. He speaks loud enough.

I. Because dan Because of 
Because adalah kata yang wajib diikuti dengan kalimat yang dapat menyebutkan sebuah akibat, sedangkan because of hanya diikuti sebuah kata atau frase yang tidak sampai membentuk sebuah kalimat.
1. Because a gas pipeline exploded, several homes burned down.
2. Because gas flowed freely from the pipe, water could not put out the fire.
3. Because the gas pipeline was so old, it broke.
4. Because they delayed replacing the pipe, the accident was likely to occur.
5. Because the firefighters came late, it was burn everything.
6. Because of the gas explosion, several homes burned down
7. Because of an  exploding gas line, several homes burned down
8. Because of being so old, the pipeline broke.
9. Because of quick arrival, the firemen could do everything
10. Because of good handling, the fire could be estinguished.

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