Kamis, Februari 25, 2010

10 Hasil Pencarian Teratas di Yahoo Tahun 2009

Google, selain sebagai mesin pencari memiliki saingan serupa, Yahoo.
Nah sebagai search engine yahoo telah melakukan listing atas apa yang sering dicari orang pada tahun 2009 di Indonesia.

Mulai dari urutan nomor 10:

10. Ambalat

Perseteruan ini belum diperoleh kesepakatan, blok laut seluas 15.234 kilometer persegei ini terus menjadi perdebatan perbatasan Indonesia-Malaysia.

9. Air Celupan Batu Ponari

Anak asal jombang ini menggemparkan Indonesia melalui batu yang kono menjadi sumber pengobatan segala penyakit. Hal ini sangat kontras dengan sistem pengobatan modern, hal ini juga merupakan bentuk kurang mampunya pemerintah dalam menyediakan sarana serta fasilitas kesehatan.

8. Gerhana Matahari 22 Juli 2009

Gerhana matahari 22 Juli 2009 merupakan sebuah peristiwa fenomenal, hal tersebut terjadi mengingat wilayah tanah air sedang mengalami trauma besar akan tsunami dan bencana alam lain. Gerhana Matahari tsb diisukan menimbulkan bencana alam besar setingkat tsunami.

7. Ketika Cinta Bertasbih

Film Berdasarkan novel best seller ini menjadi film yang memberikan keuntungan terbesar setelah Laskar Pelangi. Film yang terdiri dari 2 seri ini membuat jutaan penonton terpukau akan jalur cerita yang disajikan.

6. K P U

Komisi pemerintah Indonesia yang bertugas dan bertanggungjawab dalam pelaksanaan pemilihan presiden di INdonesia ini dianggap gagal oleh sebagian masyarakat, karena ditemukan banyak kecurangan yang terjadi di dalam masyarakat, serta munculnya pemberitaan ttg staf KPU yang ke luar negeri setelah proses pemilihan selesai.

5. Gempa Bumi

Fenomena alam mengenai bergesernya tanah, atau dirasakannya guncangan oleh manusia ini merupakan peristiwa yang tidak asing bagi masyarakat indonesia, yang berada di dalam ring Gempa Bumi. Sepanjang tahun 2005-2010 , setidaknya terdapat beberapa gempa hebat yang terjadi di Indoneia.

4. Kiamat 2012

isu terjadinya kiamat 2012 terjadi karena ditemukannya tidak ditemukannya tanggal berikutnya pada kalender suku maya, yang diyakini memiliki ketepatan dan keahlian dalam bidang astronomi. Tak Heran, jika film 2012 menjadi laris mengikuti isu yang heboh di masyarakat.

3. Gempa Sumbar

Kabar Gempa yang mengguncang hebat di 3 kota dan 4 kabupaten ini tersebar luas seiring merebaknya situs jejaring sosial facebook dan twitter, gempa berkekuatan 7,6 SR ini menelan korban lebih dari seribu jiwa.

2. Flu Babi

Flu Babi yang sentar beredar di masyrakat ini menjadi wacana sepanjang tahun 2009, belum selesainya wabah flu burung menjadi tantangan bagi pemeintah indonesia dalam melindungi kesehatan rakyatnya. Menteri Kesehatan Siti Fadilah Supari pun mengingatkan warga untuk tetap menjaga kebersihan lingkungan serta melakukan upaya sosialisasi dan penanganan pasien secepatnya bila memiliki gejala yang sama dengan flu babi.

1. Noordin M Top

TOP, kata yang tepat untuk otak terorisme di Indonesia. Akhir perjalanan M.TOP berakhir sudah. Namun Bukan berarti dengan tewasnya M.TOP berakhir pula teror di Indonesia, seluruh kesatuan ini juga perlu waspada terhadap lingkungan sekitar.

Sumber: Yahoo

Rabu, Februari 24, 2010

Tugas 3: Complete the Present Perfect Tenses

1. Joji lived in Tokyo for five years, but he left in 1993.

2. The Titanic sank in 1912.

3. Somebody has stolen my bicycle! Now I'll have to walk home.

4. Gerry has fallen off his bike three times this month.

5. Chika has graduated from university last July.

6. I have seen the movie Titanic three times. I'm going to see it again tonight.

7. I have walked to work every day for the last six weeks!

8. When Young He was a child, she lived in Seoul.

9. Ouch! I've cut my finger!

10. I have lost my key yesterday, so I couldn't get into the house. Eventually, I found it in my jacket pocket.

Complete the sentences below

Have you ever had malaria? If you have, the chances are that you get the disease in a hot country. Malaria is most common in tropical countries, especially those with wet and humid climates, where the mosquitos which carry the disease can flourish. However, recently, malaria becomes more common in Canada. According to a recent report, over 1000 people contracted the disease in Canada in 1997, and the number have rised every year since 1994. This is an alarming trend.

Why is the incidence of malaria rising here? The answer is travel. More and more Canadians travel abroad every year, and some of them catch malaria. However, when a Toronto woman became sick last year, her doctor discovered that she have never travelled abroad in her life. She must have been bitten by a mosquito which got the disease from another sick Canadian.

Another Quetions from Lecturer:
1. Have you ever lived in Paris?
2. I lived in Paris When I was a child.
3. Have you gone to Louvre when you lived in Paris?
4. Yes, I have gone many times.
5. I have never visited Louvre.

Present Perfect or Past Simple?

1. Jack has lived in Boston for the past 15 years.

2. Janet has worked for Smith and Brothers before she came to work for us.

3. Dad , have you finished reading the paper yet?

4. I would love to visit Prague sometime. Unfortunately, I have never been there.

5. Peter has played Tennis for five years when he was at school.

6. Jane: Can you help me? I have finished my homework, but I still don't understand number 7.

7. I have worked in Italy for 5 years. I began work as soon as I arrived.

8. I'm afraid I'm not hungry. I have eaten already.

9. When Jack was at school, he has learned to play the saxophone. He have been playing it ever since.

10. Could you give me some advice? I have bought this sweater at Macy's. Do you think I should take it back?

11. Maria lives in Boston. Before she moved here, she has lived in Seattle for 3 years.

12. Peter went to Paris last year. That means that he has been to Paris 3 times!

13. Just a moment! I have thinked of a good idea yet!

14. Maria believed that for ages!

15. How long have you lived there before coming here?

Senin, Februari 22, 2010

Reported speech: simple past tense

1. Q: Tom said, 'I want to visit my friends this weekend.'
A: Tom said he wanted to visit his friends that weekend.

2. Q: Jerry said, 'I'm studying English a lot at the moment.'
A: Jerry said he was studying English a lot at that moment.

3. Q: They said, 'We've lived here for a long time.'
A: They said they had lived there for a long time.

4. Q: He asked me, 'Have you finished reading the newspaper?'
A: He asked me if I had finished reading the newspaper.

5. Q: 'I get up every morning at seven o'clock.', Peter said.
A: Peter said he got up every morning at seven o'clock.

6. Q: Susan reassured me, 'I can come tonight.'
A: Susan told me she could come that night.

7. Q: She said, 'I really wish I had bought that new car.'
A: She told me she really wished she had bought that new car

8. Q: Jack said, 'He must be guilty!'
A: Jack said he must have been guilty.

9. Q: Cheryl asked her, 'How long have you lived here?'
A: Cheryl asked her how long she had lived there.

10.Q: She said, 'I've worked here since I left my last job.'
A: She told me that she had worked there since she had left her last job.

Senin, Februari 15, 2010

Tugas: contoh sepuluh kalimat "Reported Speech"

1. The new corners ... together without any trouble since 1990 they get some disturbances.
(maaf pak, pemenggalan untuk kalimat tersebut kurang jelas, antara induk kalimat dengan anak kalimatnya)
C. have been living

2. My children have played the chess.
This sentence means : My children ...
B. are not playing the chess anymore

3. By the end of next semester, she ... writing her thesis completely.
E. will have finished

4. The system analyst design had died when his software program ... on televi¬sion internationally.
C. was promoted

5. I'm completely free now because I... all my work.
C. have done

6. Joni : Did the teacher give you the homework yesterday ?
Dodo : Yes did. But I... it yet. I was very sleepy last night
E. haven't done

7. We are late. But I expect that class .... by the time we get to the class
C. will start

8. Rina : "Is your father still in Jakarta ?"
Ari : "No, He ... in Bandung since '86".
A. lives

9. Mother : "Rosy where are you ?
Rosy : " here, in the room. I.... my home work".
C. am doing

10. Tom : I didn't see your brother when I visited you yesterday.
Bob : He .... his bike in the garage.
C. was repairing